Sunday, May 2, 2010


I haven't updated this in awhile and I'm feeling a bit guilty that Possum did not get the obituary her fur siblings did.
Possum and her brother Rusty were feral kittens living under a trailer in a nearby town and were totally feral. Rusty died of heart failure about a year after he came here and Possum then decided she needed to eat for two! She was a big rolley polley girl who loved to sunbathe. Since she did not wear sunscreen she got skin cancer on her all white left ear and had to be ear-tipped. She loved chicken and in her final months would put her paws up on my lap in order to steal the yummy bits of poultry from my plate. Possum was about 11 years old, her decline was very fast and she joined Rusty at the Rainbow Bridge on March 6.